Line-upFirst time the black metal band from Jakarta who founded in 17 August 1997 was a jam session band , they played Masacre song.
The members of the group are :
Rere Savalast : vocals
Vidhi Godhil : guitars
Thou Lord Sadatanic : drums
Doni Petek Black Javanese : basses
They took the name of the group from an incident in France in 1566 when people destroyed statues at the Catholic Church.

Iconoclasm played black metal when Ozzeus joined the band in September 1997, and he play guitar.At the stage the band who play 'Horror Melodic Black Metal' often sing some songs from Rotting Christ beside their own songs.

The band who influence by Rotting Christ, they mixes black metal with history, culture, art, blood and evil power base in Indonesian culture as their theme songs, like:
  1. Sacrifice from Tana Toraja
  2. Satan Romusha Sleeping in The Darkness
  3. Ngaben
  4. Javanese Black Magic

C/o Doni
Jl. Warakas I, Gg. 22 No. 4
Rt. 005/008
Papanggo - Tanjung Priok
Jakarta Utara 14340